SC DK*Coogan's Snake Eyes - Tiger

Tiger (black classic tabby) is from Denmark (link to Lane & Peter Glem: Coogan´s Maine Coon) and he is a strong and wonderful young male with a lovely long coat. He has a charming personalitiy and his chin and muzzle are very strong.



We are really looking forward to see his developement.
Thank you, Lane, for trusting us with another lovely boy.

IC DK* Coogan′s Snake Eyes

Date of Birth: 
  FIFa number: 
01. 01. 2010
Maine Coon (MC)
(DK) FD LO 178106
MCO n 22 sort blotched tabby gruppe3
Lene & Peter Glem
Franjo Kovacic

Pedigre Tiger - Coogan′s Snake Eyes

Parents Grandparents Great-Grandparents Great-Great-Grandparents


DK Olmocabe's Adventure
FD LO 170755

MCO n 09 22
sort blotched tabby hvid

Onassis of Baydar
FD LO 147640
Import Tyskland
WACC RVDE 01056887

MCO d 09 22
rød blotched taby hvid

Mephisto of Badyar

TICA TCC ZBT MC 310304 06
MCO d 22

IC Paddington of Chamberlain
BEC 2107731 MCO d 22
American Beautys Desdemona
TICA TCC ZBT MC 100102 01 MCO g 22

Rhapsody In Blue
of Baydar

(D)DEKZV LO 313055
MCO g 09 22

Yankee Cats, Elton Jon of Badyar
WACC RVDE 01023167 MCO e 22
Okefenokee of Badyar
CATS 5471/01-25/130-w MCO f 09 22

DK Sulo's Angelica Huston
FD LO 120147

MCO f 22
sort tortie blotched tabby

DK Kærgaarden's
Rum Tom Tugger

FD LO 100156
MCO n 22

Willowplace Rocky
Mountain High
FD LO 88888 MCO n 22
DK Cozy Farm, Kiki Dee Milinocket
FD LO 84367 MCO n 22

DK Karisma's Isabella

FD LO 108056

DK Wytopitlock, Sgt. Pepper
FD LO 96526 MCO ds 22
CH. DK Coyote's Ayla Afrodite
FD LO 89414 MCO n


DK Coogan's Nyah
FD LO 143235

MCO n 22
sort blotched tabby

DK Coogan's Master of Commander
FD LO 128643

MCO n 22
sort blotched tabby

DK Castle Rock Voyager

FD LO 118896
MCO n 22

Guldfakse's Tupac
FD LO 104249 MCO a 22 (MCO a 09 22)
DK Castle Rock, Two Tongue Tale
FD LO 105049 MCO n 22

DC Sebasco's
Pompaya of Coogans

FD LO 120104
MCO f 09 24

ECWW'98'00'01. Gulfdfakse's Chief
Two Moons, DM, DSM
FD LO 86543 MCO w 23
CH. Guldfakse's Hanging Cloud
FD LO 111121 MCO w 62

WW07 DK Coogan's Sommerfield, DSM
FD LO 132640

MCO a 22

blå blotched tabby

DK Castle Rock Voyager

FD LO 118896
MCO n 22
Guldfakse's Tupac
FD LO 104249 MCO a 22 (MCO a 09 22)
DK Castle Rock, Two Tongue Tale
FD LO 105049 MCO n 22

DK Wytopitlock Hestia Jones, JW

FD LO 124322
MCO n 22

EPEC. CFA PR. DK Wytopitlock Gershwin, DSM
FD LO 112383 MCO n 22
GIC. DK Wytopitlock Fair-y-Nuff
FD LO 112379 MCO ns

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Franjo Kovacic
SI*Golden Maine coon | Maine Coon Cattery | Slovenia
Vir, Saranoviceva 25/a
SI - 1230 Domzale, Slovenia
Telephone: +386 41 621 201
Fax: +386 1 722 08 41
E-mail: info[at]goldenmainecoon[dot]si