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- Category: Our Girls
Goldi, our blue female maine coon cat, has an incredible temper and is known for always having her way. Goldi has had a beautiful color from day one, a very good profile and a strong chin.
Her deep solid blue coat is thick and glossy.
We are really looking forward
to see her first litters!
Video clip of her winning run in agility november 16th 2010 in Celje.
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- Category: Our Girls
White cats have always been considered the most beautiful cats in the world. So far, we haven’t had a white kitten in our litters. The fifth litter (Escape E-Sensual “Pika” and Heartbreaker’s Lifelong Love), however, came as a surprise with four white kittens out of seven.
One of them is also Electra, whom we kept at home. She is a true beauty – entirely white with a featured nose, big ears and yellowish orange eyes.
Electra is also the fourth female in our small cattery and has made us truly happy, but also slightly worried because of her hearing. It is already generally known that white cats have partly or permanently damaged hearing. In Electras case, however, it turned out (after a thorough examination) that her hearing is markless – and she gives us proof of that every day with immediately responding to our calls.
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- Category: Our Girls
IDA is a brown classic torbie female cat. She's a gentile girl who likes everyone. We admire her beautiful head and well built, muscular figur. She is very affectionate young lady, always looking for a friendly lap. Ida loves to be treated, pompered and be the center of attention.
We anticipate that she will be part of our breeding program in 2008.
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- Category: Our Girls
PIKA – Escape E-Sensual - is our new, young black & white female, and she is currently being shown in the kitten class. We are so happy to welcome Pika to our home. Big thanks to Jaana from Finland for letting us have her.
Pika is my/our second cat girl and she has been integrated with Misa very quick and is calmed and very intelligent cat. Pika has large build, large ears (good set), her profile is clear, her muzzle pretty square with strong chin.
{rokzoom title=|Is a beautiful black & white young “lady” and she is just started in the wonderful world “of showing” (july 2007). She is our very “promising” girl.|}images/stories/Our_Girls/Pika/pika_02.jpg{/rokzoom}
Is a beautiful black & white young “lady” and she is just started in the wonderful world “of showing” (july 2007). She is our very “promising” girl.
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- Category: Our Girls
Misa – Sunshine Angyal - is our very first girl and came to us in the year 2006. She is absolutely adorable (brown macherel tabby), very active and playful. Misa is very “special” with an outstanding personality. She’s got the first litter (3 cuddling male kittens) in our home. We are sadden that our “Princes” will not be able to give us any more wonderful kittens (she was spayed because of hard pregnancy).
She looks like wild cat, but she has a soft temper. She has a long body with a strong bone structure, a long tail and good coat quality too. We adore her sweet personality.